Welcome to my Realm


Here I will talk about different aspect of media from photography to new block buster that are hitting the screens. I will also be talking about any film that I have watched and games I have played and will be posting MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION so please if I say something that you disagree with you can air your views as well but just be polite.

(P.S. if you scroll to the bottom then you can see some of my pics that I have uploaded to flickr. Photography is something I am getting into.)

Monday, 16 January 2012

Modern Media - Vampires and Werewolves

Firstly Im back after being unwell for awhile and secondly I realise I was gonna rant about MW3 and modern media but after awhile I can some MW3 in a few sentences... People are such obbsseive and become so aggitated over a game. I spent 10 minutes in a game before players starting insulting each other and getting genrally mad... its not the game its the players that are destroying the gaming world.

Firstly lets look at that Twlight films and craze that has become a plague in the 21st century. Okay I have to admit the books were good and well done but the films highlighted and made; what the books blended in; highly visiable. I  mean what happened to the good old days when vampires werent celebate, caring, emo and in better words complete wimps. The olden day vampires depicated the tradtional, brilliant vampires in which they hunted, drunk from humans and killed them. Even slight twists like a vampire falling in love was good because the vampire still seeked to turn the one they fell for even without their consent. But in the twilight series and now in everyday culture its all about looking cool, being thought of as dark and mysterious... I mean wtf!!! vampires are not nor should have never been changed like that.

Now something that annoys me even more is the modern view of werewolves... yet again destroyed by Twilight and many others. Werewolves with complete control of themselves and transformation... no werewolves are cursed and therefore shouldnt have an easy time of it. But that wasnt the worst blow to werewolves... in twilight they transform into massive wolves; losing all human features... werewolves means a human wolf and not a big dog. Also they arent compassionate like that... I mean take Being Human t.v program; George is kind but cant control his werewolf side which is a beast... the way it should be.

The biggest hit to tradition is that they have depicated these creatures of night as whiny, emo kids and have gotten rid of every sherd of their actual origins. I will thank the following films, directors, etc for keeping it alive and they are:

  • Van Helsing - Vampires are beasts and werewolves go for vampires naturally but still attack humans
  • Dog Soilders - Werewolves attack and trying to kill the soilders.
  • The Underworld Films - More organised from the orignals but still keeps hold of the traddtions and orgins of the creatures.
  • Daybreakers - One vampire may not be a human blood drinker but every other one is and big problems if they dont.
  • Blade Flims - Alot of carnage and still hold alot of vampire orginality

Well thats it for the moment. I will be posting later about zombies and how they change from film to film and on my uptake on modern horrors.

Until then; later and remember at night, your easy pray for creatures of the night :P