Welcome to my Realm


Here I will talk about different aspect of media from photography to new block buster that are hitting the screens. I will also be talking about any film that I have watched and games I have played and will be posting MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION so please if I say something that you disagree with you can air your views as well but just be polite.

(P.S. if you scroll to the bottom then you can see some of my pics that I have uploaded to flickr. Photography is something I am getting into.)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Lets aim for the Sky....rim

Recently I have played the overly hyped game "Skyrim" which everyone I know were excited about its release and to be honest so was I. But saying that even though it was over hyped it hadnt stopped this game being one of the best I've played and and well worth the money I paid for it.
First part is annoying but the character creation is not too bad and once you get past the first part it gets fun. I am serouisly addicted to the game. I mean they took oblivion and they did the impossiable... and improved it big time. From the random dragon encounters to the pain in the ass mages and necromancers this game is more of a challenge than its predcessor oblivion elder scrolls but like its predcessor it hasnt failed to please.
All in all I have been playing it for near 3 weeks straight and each time creating new characters to try things differently, etc.

Anyway if I had to give Skyrim a rank; Id say this game is a 5 star game as it is just hours and hours of entertainment and very well thought of and planned game.