Welcome to my Realm


Here I will talk about different aspect of media from photography to new block buster that are hitting the screens. I will also be talking about any film that I have watched and games I have played and will be posting MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION so please if I say something that you disagree with you can air your views as well but just be polite.

(P.S. if you scroll to the bottom then you can see some of my pics that I have uploaded to flickr. Photography is something I am getting into.)

Friday, 4 November 2011

It has been awhile

Sorry for the long period of not posting anything but I have recently been busy and getting caught in gaming shooter season.
Quite a few good games are coming out like the well know Call of Duty: MW3 and Battle field 3 but the one Im looking forward to is Elderscrolls V: Skyrim. All the trailiers and game play I have seen of it look awesome.

Now trying say that doesnt look good lol.
But not only does it look epic; but bethesda released their epic rpg game in the middle of gaiming shooter season 2011 which meant it stood out clearly. Its confirmed date of release is 11/11/11 if you didnt know. Now time for my view on MW3. Recenetly Ive heard alot of people saying its going to be awesome but to be honest it will end up over hyped and that will equal a lose in appeal. Secondly the company that created CoD:MW3 can get away with taking MW2 and just changing one or two piece and a little change in graphics and call it a new game. I am not saying this is what they done and yea fair enough they are fun games but in all honesty the fans are hooked and over obssessed about the game which is playing in MW3 favor. Well I guess some people will love the game. Battlefield 3 now as done alot of changes which look epic including flying jets, etc and tbh if I had to buy a 1st person shooter then Id get Battlefield 3.

Currently the newest game Ive been playing is Deus Ex: Human Revolotions which is fun and challengeing but as for freely being able to pick what perks you can asign using perk points well wasnt true on my behalf. Firstly yea you are freely able to assign them but to continue certain missions, etc you must have specific perks or things become incrediablly hard unless its hacking thats needed then its impossiable. The 2nd play through I assigned different ones and found it easier to complete it with 5 hours but only had 2 options of closing videos. Still wanna unlock the rest XD

Anyway this is my post for this week: my next post should be next friday but could be earlier XD but until then I wish you well and cya :P