Welcome to my Realm


Here I will talk about different aspect of media from photography to new block buster that are hitting the screens. I will also be talking about any film that I have watched and games I have played and will be posting MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION so please if I say something that you disagree with you can air your views as well but just be polite.

(P.S. if you scroll to the bottom then you can see some of my pics that I have uploaded to flickr. Photography is something I am getting into.)

Monday 16 January 2012

Modern Media - Vampires and Werewolves

Firstly Im back after being unwell for awhile and secondly I realise I was gonna rant about MW3 and modern media but after awhile I can some MW3 in a few sentences... People are such obbsseive and become so aggitated over a game. I spent 10 minutes in a game before players starting insulting each other and getting genrally mad... its not the game its the players that are destroying the gaming world.

Firstly lets look at that Twlight films and craze that has become a plague in the 21st century. Okay I have to admit the books were good and well done but the films highlighted and made; what the books blended in; highly visiable. I  mean what happened to the good old days when vampires werent celebate, caring, emo and in better words complete wimps. The olden day vampires depicated the tradtional, brilliant vampires in which they hunted, drunk from humans and killed them. Even slight twists like a vampire falling in love was good because the vampire still seeked to turn the one they fell for even without their consent. But in the twilight series and now in everyday culture its all about looking cool, being thought of as dark and mysterious... I mean wtf!!! vampires are not nor should have never been changed like that.

Now something that annoys me even more is the modern view of werewolves... yet again destroyed by Twilight and many others. Werewolves with complete control of themselves and transformation... no werewolves are cursed and therefore shouldnt have an easy time of it. But that wasnt the worst blow to werewolves... in twilight they transform into massive wolves; losing all human features... werewolves means a human wolf and not a big dog. Also they arent compassionate like that... I mean take Being Human t.v program; George is kind but cant control his werewolf side which is a beast... the way it should be.

The biggest hit to tradition is that they have depicated these creatures of night as whiny, emo kids and have gotten rid of every sherd of their actual origins. I will thank the following films, directors, etc for keeping it alive and they are:

  • Van Helsing - Vampires are beasts and werewolves go for vampires naturally but still attack humans
  • Dog Soilders - Werewolves attack and trying to kill the soilders.
  • The Underworld Films - More organised from the orignals but still keeps hold of the traddtions and orgins of the creatures.
  • Daybreakers - One vampire may not be a human blood drinker but every other one is and big problems if they dont.
  • Blade Flims - Alot of carnage and still hold alot of vampire orginality

Well thats it for the moment. I will be posting later about zombies and how they change from film to film and on my uptake on modern horrors.

Until then; later and remember at night, your easy pray for creatures of the night :P

Thursday 15 December 2011

Technolgy - Motion Control

We live in the age of discovery, science and technolgy; which are constantly being improved; so fast that its almost impossiable to keep up.
Recently I have tried the 3 motion controls in the gaming world; the Wii, PS3 Motion and the Xbox360 Kinect and although they are full of problems they are a step in the right direction.

Nintendo Wii

A console solely based on getting the gamer to move around and encourages exercise whilst having fun and makes a brilliant family console. Although for me as a gamer its no where near as fun as Id hoped and I found myself being punched and punching my friends when we attempted to play it. In the end we decided to use the remote as a controller and played Super Smash Bros Brawl. During my time on the Wii; I realised no matter how many times we tried to recallobrate the motion sensor on the screen it wouldnt work. Playing Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles; I always found my aiming going off to the left from where I was actually aiming. This caused me to have to try over and over again and eventually I give up and tried that wii tennis but still my swings were never picked up well and Id always swing it short of the ball even if I was in the most perfect spot to return it.

All in all the Wii as a motion controlled console is acautally rather fun and the problems it has are over shadowed by the fun that can be had if you want an easy day.

 PS3 Motion

PS3 motion isnt that bad. I aint never been a Playstation fan but the Ps3 motion is well and if you try playing it with friends then prepare for a black eye and maybe burst nose as you try to use this motion control. To be perfectly honest those motion games are more funnier just using the controllers and less likely to result in injury. Not only that but it feels abit like playing the Nintendo Wii except you have a better choice of games, better graphics and shitter motion control. Well thats how I feel about it.

Xbox 360 Kinect

Human body as the controller; excellent idea but only in theory. I mean with all motion control you will look like a mad man swinging a control around but even worse just waving your arms around. For the time I played on it I was rather annoyed that it kept having to recheck where I was and recallobrate where I was and this was irritating. Not just that but if you attempt it on the old xboxs you cause them to red ring and only the new ones work with it well. Not just that but when you try and command it; for me it failed. Asked to play movie and it took me into Last FM... Yea sure Movies and Last FM sound similar.


So all in all with motion control; youll look like an idiot swinging your limbs about, youll come off with many injuries, probably lose friends and as you see in the adverts you need a room the size of a house garage or small night club in order to play them and yea sure all us gamers are rich enough to afford a massive gaming room.

Next post will include the over hyped MW3 game, the decline in decent media and orginality.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

3D Migrane

Wow advancement in technolgy these days is amazing... Almost everything is in 3D to make it seem more realistic than the usual pixelated display but with everything going 3D isnt this bound to cause problems. Firstly I dont know bout anyone else but even sitting in a 3D screening in the cinema is bothersome. I cannot go more than 20 minutes without having to take of those annoying 3D specs and rubbing my eyes better and even after the showing I feel bit sick and I appear to lose quite abit of balance. I belief that this is due to the realism of the showing; how it feels like you can touch it by playing a illusion and ofcourse this in turn effects my actual grasp of reality, etc for a certain amount of time. To make matters worse its now apperently those hi-end tv's that everyone wants is in 3D... this just makes things worse. Yea sure some can say well if it makes you unwell, etc then find something else to do well this is hard to do when outside is freezing, wet or completely misreable and other in door hobbies isnt as entertaining. If I wanted a headache with watching TV Id sit close to it, with two magnifiying glasses or just glasses and watch it for hours... Infact it would take hours for that to acheive the same effect 3D has in 20 minutes (in my experiance).

Now that my rant went on big time; time to role out my biggest dissappointment which is the Nintendo 3Ds which allows the user to play portable games 3D without the use of 3D specs. Okay its a step in the right direction but its still housed with issues. I played it for 15 minutes and got one massive headache. Now its advised to only play it for 15-20 minutes at a time but Nintendo should have been aware addicting games keep gamers hooked for hours at a time. Dont get me wrong before the headache it was actually one of the funnest times I head playing an old favorite game of mine; The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time which I easly get addicted to but it was stressful playing the game with a massive headache.

So all in all yea 3D is a big step but its a big step that has forced itself into different sorts of media dispite its issues. Dont get me wrong I dont mind it but there 3D in moderation and 3D in everything. Next time I post; I will talk about the next level in gaming and mainly focusing on the Kinect and PS3 Motion.

If you have a topic you wish for me to post in future; post a comment and I will try include it in furture posts.

Friday 2 December 2011

Lets aim for the Sky....rim

Recently I have played the overly hyped game "Skyrim" which everyone I know were excited about its release and to be honest so was I. But saying that even though it was over hyped it hadnt stopped this game being one of the best I've played and and well worth the money I paid for it.
First part is annoying but the character creation is not too bad and once you get past the first part it gets fun. I am serouisly addicted to the game. I mean they took oblivion and they did the impossiable... and improved it big time. From the random dragon encounters to the pain in the ass mages and necromancers this game is more of a challenge than its predcessor oblivion elder scrolls but like its predcessor it hasnt failed to please.
All in all I have been playing it for near 3 weeks straight and each time creating new characters to try things differently, etc.

Anyway if I had to give Skyrim a rank; Id say this game is a 5 star game as it is just hours and hours of entertainment and very well thought of and planned game.